Elevate your patient care with our CPD course.

We help physiotherapists., chiropractors and occupational therapists master pain management with our accreddited manual and soft tissue therapy course – 16CEU points

Don’t lose your patients  to other physicians

We understand how competitive todays healthcare landscape is. With our CPD course, you can stay ahead of the curve and provide the best care and treatment for your patients neuromuscloskeletal conditions.

Health professionals can enrich their careers, enhance their skills and expand their knowledge and expertise in manual and soft tissue therapy.

Combining soft tissue techniques, the biopsychosocial model of care, and pain neuroscience, this course provides you with the tools and knowledge to understand and manage pain effectively. We focus on rehabilitation and pain management.

Continuous Professional Pevelopment

Health professionals can enrich their careers, enhance their skills and expand their knowledge and expertise in manual and soft tissue therapy. 

What to Expect

Live demonstrations

We will guide you through a range of hands-on assessments & exciting new treatment techniques .

Latest stuff

Use the latest reasearch in excercise therapy to give you a broader understanding of pain and human movement. 

Cases Studies

Learn how to anticipate, analyze and solve complex patient cases with your new techniques and skills

Durban Classes

Local Classes : South Africa

International Classes


Since our practice is based in Durban, sessions are scheduled regularly and can be readily accessed during the weekend.
For our group package, see our next dates below.


Athena Interactive Training Network
Umbilo Durban

Venue subject to change. Attendees will be notified prior via email or text message

Upcoming dates

August 2023: (12th – 13th) (19th – 20th) (26th – 27th)
September 2023: (2nd – 3rd) (9th – 10th) (16th – 17th)
October 2023: (7th – 8th) (14th – 15th) (21st – 22nd)
(28th – 29th)
November 2023: (4th – 5th) (11th – 12th) (18th – 19th)
(25th – 26th)
December 2023: (2nd – 3rd) (9th – 10th) 16th – 17th)


5 days per course

Presentation time from start to finish:
9a.m to 1p.m


R3750 (Early Bird)
R5000 (Standard Fee)

International classes

We will come to you!


Health professionals in North Africa, the Middle East and the United Kingdom can  upskill themselves with our flagship Soft tissue and manual therapy course to provide superior pain and injury management to their clients.

Our international courses are designed for groups and are held periodically. Venues and course duration are curated to suit the needs and schedules of the healthcare professionals

Success Stories

"Luctus lectus non quisque turpis bibendum posuere. Morbi tortor nibh, fringilla sed pretium sit amet. Vitae consequat augue. Vivamus eget dolor vel quam condimentum sodales in bibendum odio urna sit amet."

Kenny Sing

"Vivamus id gravida mi, nec ullamcorper purus. Suspendisse ut nibh sagittis lacus viverra aliquam. Praesent ac lobortis mauris, non imperdiet quam. Praesent laoreet elit nisi, id feugiat ante accumsan sed. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae."

Ishtiaq Parag

"In non pulvinar purus. Curabitur nisi odio, blandit et elit at, suscipit pharetra efficitur elit. Luctus lectus non quisque turpis bibendum posuere. Morbi tortor nibh, fringilla sed pretium sit amet."

John Teh

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